Sunday, March 16, 2008

A new and improved track lay-out

I spent a few weeks now thinking of how to improve my track lay-out. I wasn't quite happy with it, especially not with the overpass above the corner stations. As you may know, it will have to fit inside a (big) coffee table of 155x80cm. This is the result of a LOT of hard thinking:

The coils go up 3.5 levels so including the bottom level it spans 4.5 levels. At level 0 I'll put the 2 corner stations "A" and "B". They will deal with passenger trains only.

On level 2 there will be 2 stations, "E" and "C". Station E only deals with cargo. Station C deals with both cargo and passengers but the passenger trains will be 2 old ones ("glaskasten" on C5 and BR 144.5 on C6). Only small trains can be used but that's OK.

At the top level there is a big station just for passengers.

This looks rather challenging, doesn't it? ;-)

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