Here's a quick explanation of how I put up another sensor light outside of my front door.
At the back of my light were a few places where the plastic was very thin for you to cut a hole. These are the holes used for mounting it to the wall.
Because I wanted to put it up in a corner I needed to create a bit of surface so I cut a 45 degrees angle on a block of wood.
The wood is hard which means it has a higher chance to split when you put a screw into it. So all the places where a screw needs to be were going to be pre-drilled with a very small drill 1/2 to 1/3 of the thickness of the screw. Also the wood needs to be removed where the power chord comes out.
3 holes for screws and 1 showing where to cut away some wood for the chord.
This is the corner it will be in.
To fix our "surface" well, I drilled 3 holes for long screws to fit through.
This is the idea...
... After fixing the wood we have a solid surface for mounting the light.
Wire the light. Be sure to switch off electricity for safety reasons.
And mount the light. Voila, all done.
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