Friday, January 13, 2012

Making a shop counter

You know, everybody is going to need a shop counter in their life at some point. So pay attention! Coz I'm about to show you how to make one!

It's nothing fancy really. Very cheap. But it looks quite good! Like a proper counter actually :-)

Get wood. This counter will be 250x92x60 cm. The wooden frame we'll start with however is 231x72x55 cm. I got 6 pieces of 300x69x44 cm.

Saw in to bits.

I made drawings first using Google Sketchup. This is what the first step should look like.

Not a bad start.

Next put on the smallest beams.

Voila. I used the counter top as a working surface because it's actually more even than the floor ;-)

Next up are the legs.

There they are. The shop was out of white ones so I used black ones for the back since customers won't see those.

Then the sides and top need to be put on.

I actually put the sides on while the frame was still lying on the top. That way everything is straight. Then I turned it upright.

Attach the top and you're done!

This is the rear-view.

Even that looks as designed ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, you have inspired me to make my new counter. However I plan to add frosted glass windows with my logo etched on the front. Then I shall install some lights to glow the windows and there decals. I intend to add shelves across the beams including a pc shelf so thanks for a good tutorial to get my basic design sorted. I just need to add the extras!


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