To most people this will sound kiddie stuff but let me assure you that this is a BIG technological challenge.
I will post my progress here. Sofar I've only been designing an apealing trackplan. This is a challenge on it's own considering the very limited space. The coffee table will be about 155x80 cm. At this moment I've reached a stage where the last design seems reasonable workable.
These are the last 3 designs. The bottom one is most recent and most likely to be successful.

Is C6 a turning circle as they have at the place where the trains sleep?
@ Kees: Yes it sure is. I would like a smaller electric one but haven't found one. At least not in the program I use for designing...
If my dad had lived to see the internet age, not only would he have loved it, but he probably would have had a similar blog.
Be sure to include the water feature for your garden here!
@ Kona: I sure will. The whole Zen garden (if I may call it that) as a matter of fact.
Dat sporenplan ziet er behoorlijk complex uit Vincent. Ik ben benieuwd naar het vervolg.
Groet Jaap (jajo-BNLS-forum)
Jaap: De uitdaging is om zoveel mogelijk in een kleine ruimte te stoppen. Ik denk dat het haalbaar is maar het vergt een erg goede planning. Buiten dat moet de hele boel computergestuurd draaien. Ik zal grote gebeurtenissen ook wel op het BNLS forum posten :-)
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